Bremsevæske fra ADDINOL
Bremsevæsker bruges til at overføre kraften fra den aktiverede bremsepedal til hjulbremsen ved hjælp af hydraulisk tryk. For at væsken skal opfylde dette formål, har den brug for en vis konsistens (viskositet) og specielle egenskaber. Dette garanteres ved brug af specielle råvarer. ADDINOL's bremsevæsker er fuldt syntetiske væsker baseret på glycolether. Korrosionshæmmere og antioxidantadditiver tilsættes som additiver. Bremsevæskerne er velegnede til hydrauliske bremse- og koblingssystemer med tromle og / eller skivebremser.
Vores bremsevæsker
Specifications / Approvals:
FMVSS 116 DOT 3, SAE J 1703, SAE J 1704, ISO 4925 Class 4, FMVSS 116 DOT 4
Egenskaberne ved vores bremsevæsker er:
- Høj kemisk og termisk stabilitet
- Fremragende korrosionsbeskyttelse
- Højt tørt og vådt kogepunkt
- Ingen fordampningstab
- God kompatibilitet med systemmaterialer (metaller, gummi, plast)
- Beskyttelse mod dannelse af dampbobler
Oplysninger om bremsevæske
Specifikationer for bremsevæsker
Bremsevæsker består hovedsageligt af polyglykolforbindelser og additiver såsom korrosionshæmmere. I sjældne tilfælde anvendes silikonevæsker eller mineralolier også til fremstilling af bremsevæsker.
Bremsevæskerne er klassificeret i henhold til det amerikanske Department of Transportation (DOT). Med henblik på klassificering bestemmes minimumskravene til en bremsevæske til visse parametre. Parametrene inkluderer:
- kogetemperaturen i ° C (kogepunkt for en frisk, ubrugt bremsevæske)
- det våde kogepunkt i ° C (kogepunktet for blandingen af en bremsevæske og 3,5% vand)
- viskositeten ved 100 ° C i mm² / s og
den kolde viskositet ved -40 °C i mm²/ s.
Som en tommelfingerregel er jo højere DOT-klassen, jo højere er bremsevæskens kogetemperatur og våde kogepunkt. Højere DOT-klasser tillader undertiden længere udskiftningsintervaller.
Parameter | DOT 3 | DOT 4 | DOT 5 |
Kogetemperatur i ° C | ≥ 205 | ≥ 230 | ≥ 260 |
Vådt kogepunkt i ° C | ≥ 140 | ≥ 155 | ≥ 180 |
Viskositet ved 100 ° C i mm² / s | ≥ 1,5 | ≥ 1,5 | ≥ 1,5 |
Viskositet ved -40 ° C i mm² / s | ≤ 1500 | ≤ 1800 | ≤ 900 |
Det våde kogepunkt bestemmer den kritiske værdi af mætningen af en bremsevæske med vand. Hvis der er indført 3,5% vand i bremsesystemet, falder kogepunktet kraftigt. Der er risiko for, at der dannes dampbobler. Når denne værdi nås, skal bremsevæsken fornyes.
Anvendelsesområder for bremsevæsker
For at vælge den rigtige bremsevæske skal du følge producentens anvisninger til dit køretøj. Anvendelsesområderne for bremsevæsker kan dog groft klassificeres efter deres DOT-klasser. DOT 3-bremsevæsker bruges i nogle ældre køretøjsmodeller såsom klassiske biler. Hvis din bil kun har DOT 3-godkendelse, må du ikke blande den med DOT 4-bremsevæske, da plastslanger og pakninger kan blive angrebet af bremsevæsken.
DOT 4-bremsevæsker har en højere termisk belastningskapacitet end DOT 3 og er normalt standard i nuværende europæiske køretøjer. Der er også bremsevæsker med lavere viskositet til køretøjer med elektronisk styrede bremsesystemer som ABS og ESP under betegnelsen "DOT4 Plus".
DOT 5-bremsevæsker anvendes hovedsageligt på det amerikanske marked. De er baseret på silikonevæsker. På grund af de forskellige grundlæggende komponenter er de ikke kompatible med DOT 3 eller DOT 4 bremsevæsker.
Den videre udvikling DOT 5.1 er igen baseret på polyglykoler. DOT 5.1 bremsevæske kan binde vand og har et højere vådkogepunkt end DOT 3 eller DOT 4 standarder. Dette gør det forudbestemt til ekstreme driftsforhold som dem, der findes i racingapplikationer.
Forresten bruger motorcykler de samme bremsevæsker som biler. Der er ingen specielle krav til bremsesystemet til en motorcykel, der kan retfærdiggøre specielle designs. Derfor afhænger det kun af typen af motorcykel og OEM-specifikationerne, om en bremsevæske med specifikationen DOT 3, 4, 5 eller 5.1 skal udfyldes.
Blanding af bremsevæsker
In general, brake fluids can be mixed with other brake fluids of the same specification. DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids are easily compatible and can also be used as a mixture if the vehicle manufacturer allows it.
DOT 3 and DOT 4 are not miscible with DOT 5 as DOT 3/4 is based on glycol compounds and DOT 5 is based on silicone. There is a risk of flocculation and blockage of the brake hoses. DOT 5.1 is also produced on a glycol basis and can therefore be combined with DOT 3/4. Of course, changed boiling points of the mixture should be observed.
The ADDINOL BRAKE FLUID DOT 4 is not miscible with brake fluids based on mineral oil!
If you have accidentally mixed two brake fluids that are not compatible or have not been approved by the manufacturer, change the brake fluid as soon as possible.
Frequent problems with brake fluids
Brake fluid is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs water from the environment. The binding of the water is on the one hand an advantage, as water can never form drops in the braking system. This could cause rapid corrosion. At the same time, the water droplets would evaporate at 100 °C and form air bubbles in the brake system, which could lead to complete brake loss. In cold conditions, the risk would increase that the brake line would freeze and also no longer fulfil its purpose.
However, it is also a disadvantage if the brake fluid becomes too saturated with water. If a brake fluid is mixed with too much water (over 3.5%), the boiling point of the brake fluid can drop enormously. High temperatures can occur during braking, which in turn cause the fluid to boil if it can no longer withstand this heat. This causes steam bubbles in the brake system. These can interrupt the power transmission from pedal to brake disc and lead to a total failure of the brake system. If your vehicle does not react when you press the brake pedal, drive to the side of the road as soon as possible and let it roll out. Frequent and rapid braking can partially restore the braking effect.
In order to avoid such fatal problems in the best possible way, it is recommended that the brake system be inspected annually as part of an inspection. The filling level of the brake fluid is checked, the fluid is renewed and the integrity of the brake lines and brake hoses is checked. If the brake hoses are leaking, the level of the brake fluid can drop quickly. It can no longer function without sufficient fluid in the brake system. Leaking brake fluid can be identified by greenish shimmering spots under the vehicle. The liquid smells similar to gasoline. If you detect the problem, have your brake system checked in the workshop as soon as possible.
Change brake fluid
In order to check whether the brake fluid used still complies with the manufacturer's specifications, it is best to take your vehicle to a workshop. There the boiling point of the brake fluid can be determined by means of a test device. If the water inlet is too high and the boiling point too low, the brake fluid is replaced. Used brake fluid can also be identified by its colour in the equalising reservoir. It is light brown to brown, whereas fresh brake fluid is clear to light yellow.
Furthermore, certain change intervals must be observed, after which the brake fluid should always be changed. These amount to an average of two years for standard passenger car models.
Always carry out regular checks. If there is too much water in the brake system, there is a risk of corrosion in addition to steam formation. This can cause damage to the brake lines, brake pistons and brake cylinders. Replacing the individual components costs a lot of money.
You can test the condition of the brake fluid yourself at home using brake fluid testers. These determine the water content in the brake fluid. If this is above 3% it is time for a change. The workshop you trust will take care of the problem. Changing the brake fluid or refilling it is only advisable for experts, as a mistake can have fatal consequences. If the level of the brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir falls below the minimum level, simply refilling the fluid is not sufficient. A defective brake line could be present, which is constantly losing brake fluid and represents a permanent risk. If the level is low, it is better to look for the cause rather than postpone the problem.
Which brake fluid should be filled in can be found either on the cover of the expansion tank or in the service booklet. If you change the brake fluid yourself, be careful not to spill it. Brake fluid attacks paintwork and plastic parts. If anything spills next to the filler necks, rinse it off with plenty of water. Skin contact should also be avoided. Brake fluid irritates skin and eyes. Always wear safety glasses and gloves when handling brake fluid. Since brake fluid is also harmful to the environment, stains on the floor must be absorbed and removed with oil binding agents.
The costs for a change of the brake fluid amount to 40 to 100 € depending on the vehicle type and expenditure in the motor vehicle workshop. If you carry out the change yourself, only the purchase costs for the new brake fluid are incurred. However, you will then also have to take care of the disposal of the old brake fluid yourself.
Dispose of brake fluid
Brake fluids are toxic and corrosive. They are therefore considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of in a special system. They are then reprocessed or further processed in other chemical products. All brake fluids are classified as water hazardous fluids. They must not get into groundwater and must not simply be dumped into drains or canals. Failure to comply with these rules may result in high fines for environmental pollution. The liquids are also not subject to the Waste Oil Act. This means that they must not be mixed with waste oil during disposal. Brake fluids must be disposed of in a separate container.
When changing the brake fluid, collect it in a shatterproof plastic container. The container must be sealable and leak-proof. Take the container to a specialist dealer. They are legally obliged to take back the old brake fluid free of charge. You can also dispense the brake fluid at a nearby recycling centre. Depending on the quantity delivered, costs can arise there. Smaller quantities (1L) for private use are accepted free of charge.